Report Scam

Report Scams

We Encourage You To Report Here In Case Of A Scam:

Our Guarantee That You Do Not Lose Money

On this page we do encourage every client not to hesitate to report any suspicious behavior from any agent  of this company. Also we are here to make sure that you don’t lose money and we protect our company’s reputation. To elaborate more, given that we get many clients from all over the globe and we assign different agents to follow up with different client’s documents. It has been brought to notice that sometimes when we have many clients, the follow up process is not consistent. Also, in some cases, some dishonest agents actually take advantage of some clients and in such a case, we have a department to follow up on such issues. On any of these cases, we follow up to make sure that you do not lose money as a result of a scam.

How to report a scam?

There is a form below where you are required to provide accurate information in case you notice any scam case. Therefore, this form requires you to fill in your name and email and your WhatsApp number so we can easily get back to you. The second part of the for requires you to provide the information of the dishonest agent who is concerned in this case. You are to provide either the WhatsApp number or email address of this agent. Then finally, you get a text box to put describe the status of your process. Then In case you have any photo evidence of pdf copies of bank transfers or any records to back up your complaint, you should upload in the spaces below the text box. Finally you are to submit the form and our anti scam department will follow up with you.

Fill The Form Below to Report a scam:

Section A: Provide Your Information:

Section B: Provide Information About The Scam Agent:

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
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