Buy Authentic Documents » Our Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy

Buy Authentic Documents privacy policy

Our Privacy Policy:

In this line of business, having to manufacture documents for many clients from different countries, we happen to be dealing with so much personal data. In the first place, we know that while we help a lot of people with this business, we need to make it sustainable  and the first step is to keep both our data and that of our clients private. Therefore, we are dedicated to keeping this data private which is why we do not shear the data of other clients with different clients. Secondly, we restrict that you only provide the necessary information to our agents. Also, it is easy to know what information is necessary for your documents. To know what documents you need, you can visit the “how to order” page. Then go to the specific document you want to order and checkout the application form.

How Long We Keep Your data:

First of all, clients are to be reminded that they can only provide their data to us through a WhatsApp number from this website, they can also use a contact form on any page of this website or an application form. Also, On the contact us page, our clients can use the email provided on this page or Telegram to provide us with their information. Once this information is provided, we do not pass it on to third parties other than the registration agents who put your information into the database system for registered documents. Within a period of two weeks, you data is deleted from your system without any backups so we do not risk making it public. 

Extra Protection against data Theft

The computers we use to handle data are protected by an aggressive firewall which is constantly being updated by a security team. Also, the phones our agents use for work are not used for personal stuff just to be extra careful. To emphasize, we also do not take lightly any allegations of our agents sending out other client’s information to different clients for any reason. Therefore, we can confidently assure you that your data is absolutely safe with us.

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